Orleans Glass & Mirror A Family Business on Cape Cod 2021-12-22T18:34:30Z http://orleansglassandmirror.com/feed/atom/ WordPress admin <![CDATA[Shower Enclosure Photos]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=684 2021-12-22T18:34:30Z 2011-02-21T11:19:40Z table, td{border:1px dotted #CCCCCC;cellpadding:3;cellspacing:3} tr, td{padding:4px;}
Frameless Enclosures Frameless Units with Returns Frameless Steam Units Panel, Door, Panel Door and Panel Custom Neo-Angle Framed Units
admin <![CDATA[Glass and Mirror]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=585 2012-10-09T17:44:24Z 2011-02-19T19:22:48Z Insulated Units: replacement glass for windows and sliders

  • Replace fogged sliders. Regain your view.
  • New rollers make that heavy door light again

Mirrors: 1/8″ and 1/4″ mirrors are cut to size

  • Bevel mirror available
  • Mirror installation available
  • Custom shapes and holes for lamps, electrical outlets, or plumbing. Call for consultation.

Glass & Plexiglass: 1/8″, 3/32″, 1/4′”, 3/8″, Plate in stock

  • Safety and security glass available

Please call for other sizes and jobs. No jobs are too big! Quotes available.

Display Boxes Mirror with faucets coming out of the mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror into title Thermal Unit Mirror to walls Mirror wall for basment Mirror with picture of door and panel frameless with clamps Mirror Mirrors around a window Mirrors to wall Neo Angle ]]>
admin <![CDATA[What you can do with glass]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=580 2012-10-09T17:35:23Z 2011-02-19T19:20:18Z Highland Light - Glass Replacement Highland Light - Glass replacement in light house Bevel Mirror Bevel mirror into frame Bevel mirror Skylight Repair Sliding glass and shevles Store Front Store window Store window thermal unit replacement Thermal Unit Replacements Thermal Unit Replacements Thermal Unit Replacements Thermal Unit Replacements Thermal Unit Replacements Replacement glass with pattern 62 for private Replacement of glass  themals Resturant Glass divers Frosted backsplash in Kitchen Frosted backsplash in Kitchen Frosted backsplash in Kitchen Glass bird House Glass box Glass box Glass box Glass box Glass panels cases Glass panels Glass Porch Glass replacements Glass shevles Glass shevles ]]> 0 admin <![CDATA[Auto Glass and Boat Glass]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=567 2012-10-09T17:33:40Z 2011-02-19T19:06:56Z Automotive and Marine Glass: windshields, windows, mirrors available

  • We bill insurance directly
  • We’ll treat your classic car with the care required
Auto Glass in Classic Car with New Auto Boat Glass Windshield in Classic Car Windshield in Classic Car Boat windshiels Boat windshiels Boat windshiels ]]>
admin <![CDATA[Screen Porches]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=564 2012-10-09T17:42:50Z 2011-02-19T19:04:43Z Screen Porch Screen Porch Screens Screen Porch Storm door Storm Door Storm Door Storm Door Screen porch Screen Porch panels Screen porch panels Screen Porch panels Screen porch panels 1x1 Screen porch panels Screen porch with Glass panels ]]> 0 admin <![CDATA[Frameless Shower Enclosures]]> http://orleansglassandmirror.com/?p=489 2012-10-09T17:45:25Z 2011-02-18T19:11:07Z Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Custom Angle Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Panel, Door, Panel with Support Rod Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Custon Angle Frameless Custom Angle Frameless Custom Angle Frameless Door, Panel with Notch , Return Frameless Panel, Door, Panel with Custom Double Return Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Custom Neo Angle with Antique Glass Frameless Panel, Door , Panel Frameless Custom Unit with Return Frameless French Doors Frameless Steam Unit Frameless Door, Panel with Notch , Return Frameless Custom Neo Angle Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Steam Unit with Notch Seat, Return Frameless Steam Unit with Clamps Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Neo Angle with Scalloped Hinge Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Panel, Door, Panel with Frosted Glass Frameless Custom Angle, Celling Unit Frameless Neo Angle with Frosted Glass Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Custom Neo Angle Frameless Panel , Door, Panel Frameless Neo Angle Frameless Neo Angle with Antique Glass Frameless Neo Angle with Antique Glass Frameless Custon Angle Frameless Panel, Door, Panel in Firberglass Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Corner Unit Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Neo Angle with Antique Glass Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Frameless Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Steam Unit Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Spray Panel on Tub Frameless Steam Unit with Transom Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Door and Panel Frameless Door and Panel in Fiberglass Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Custom Neo Angle Frameless Door and Panel with Clamps Frameless Door, Panel with Clamps Frameless Door, Panel Frameless Panel, Door, Panel Frameless Door, Panel Frameless Panel, Door , Panel Frameless Door, Panel with Return Frameless Panel , Door, Panel Frameless Panel , Door , Panel Frameless 5 Sided Custom Neo Angle Frameless 5 Sided Custom Neo Angle Frameless 5 Sided Custom Neo Angle Frameless 5 sided Custom Neo ANgle Frameless Door, Panel with Return Frameless Door Frameless Door Frameless Hydorhinges Frameless Hydroslide slider Frameless Panel obscure Frameless Panels with no door Splash Panel Splash Panel Splash panel with bar Splash Panel Framless Door with C handel Frameless Panel obscure Frameless Panels with no door Frameless Shower Door only Frameless Sliders with obsure glass Frameless Wall mount door and panel